Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blogs are Back..Hopefully for Good

What a week it has been...

This past Sunday,my account had been hacked into and the person involved decided they wanted to shut it down and everything connected to it.Thankfully,I do not store personal information on my computer or in my account so the only damage done was to things connected to the blogs.

I`ve been working fairly hard to get everything back in order but I`ve also had to juggle work and family matters as well.Therefore I have had some moments where I couldn`t work on restoring my account.I did get it back and running for a very short time on Monday night before losing it again.

I have been able to restore the blogs but some things(followers,YouTube videos)are gone.But I have taken steps to make sure this does not happen again.I apologize for the lengthy downtime but as stated it has been a wild week.

Normal updates will resume later tonight

EDIT:My YouTube channels are still active and all videos are still up.

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